Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Interview with Angela J Ford

When did you write your first book and how old were you?
When I was 12 I wrote my first novel, The Five Warriors. It was the first time I’d finished something that was quite lengthy and it felt like a huge accomplishment. 

Does writing energize or exhaust you?

Writing tends to energize me! I love creating a story from nothing or just glimpses of ideas that dance in my head. 

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing? 

One of the things I’ve struggled with and worked really hard on is character development. I want my characters to be flawed, make real choices, and become someone the reader roots for, despite their good and bad decisions. 

What motivated you to become an indie author? 

When I was a teenager I submitted query letters to publishing houses, and it was depressing just sitting around waiting for a response. I got five or six rejection letters, which was awesome, it mean people heard me and were polite enough to write back. However, in my early 20s I started working with entrepreneurs and was able to see their self-publishing journey. It inspired me to forgo the traditional methods and publishing and do it myself because it’s faster and I have more control over the process. At the end of the day I just want to get my books into the hands of readers as soon as possible!

Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

I write the story I want to read. Most of the time it’s something other people want to read too which works well for me. I also draw my inspiration from classic fantasy because those were the kinds of books I enjoyed growing up. 

What’s your favorite under-appreciated novel?

The Forgotten Beasts of Eld by Patricia A. McKillip, I adore that book! It’s one I finished and turned over and started again because I loved it! I’ve read it three or four times now. 

Do you find difficult writing characters of the opposite sex?

No I don’t. For some reason I tend to have more male main characters. 

Why naming your Saga The Four Worlds? 

The Four Worlds is not a very fantasy name, but I chose it because I have four continents within the planet. The Western World, the Eastern World, the North World and the South World. There are adventures that take place in each world and I wanted each book to focus on a world. The North World was intentionally left out of the main series but will be included in spin-offs and stand alone tales from the Four Worlds. 

Do you have a favorite world?

I adore the South World! It’s where all my fantasy dreams came into play which is why I’ve written three books that take place within the South World and am working on an entire series that takes place there. The South World is also the largest world and leaves more to the imagination and gives more room for insane adventures!

Let's talk about the Five Warriors.

What is their mission?
The Five Warriors. I was inspired by the Bible for this one, and King David and his Mighty Men. I wanted a group of warriors who were invincible and could complete the impossible. Strange creatures are crossing into their land and the Five Warriors take it upon themselves to root out the cause of evil once and for all. However, their quest doesn’t go as expected...

My favorite character in The Five Warriors is Alaireia. Where do you get the inspiration to write strong female characters?

It’s strange to say but I don’t have many inspirations for Alaireia. I’ve always seen females as they are, which happens to be strong and independent. That’s just how I see females which, I was surprised to find, is now a common viewpoint. I think I was blessed to be surrounded by strong females growing up and that only led to my writing of strong females. 

The Green People. Would you describe them as good bad or neutral?

Oh now this is a spoiler! The Green People have good intentions...good intentions for whom? I’ll just leave it at that. You can decide for yourself! 

You have several weapons that bring power to the bearer. Which one would you like to have? 

Can I have all of them? I think though, I would take the bow of Marklus the Healer because he never misses, and I see myself as more of an archer than someone who wields a sword! 

Who is Sarhorr?

Sarhorr is a Changer...I suppose we would call him a demon if he showed up on earth...or perhaps a combination of an angel and a demon. He is an immortal with a unique power and an uncanny demeanour. One thing about Sarhorr is that he is driven, and he doesn’t give up, I think that’s one thing that makes him so attractive. He’s a strong male who is goal-oriented and determined to get what he wants, regardless of what it takes and who he has to go through to get it. 

Let’s talk about the Blended Ones.

How long has it passed since The Five Warriors?

Let’s see, The Blended Ones takes place about 150ish years after The Five Warriors. The story ties in with what’s coming next but seems quite a change after The Five Warriors. 

Who was your favorite character to write in The Blended Ones?

I loved writing about Cuthan! He’s just mischievous and bad and a whole lot of fun. It was a bit of a challenge for me to write outside of my comfort zone but so worth it! 

Why are the Blended Ones considered dangerous? 

People tend to look down on things they don’t understand, and the Blended Ones happen to be an oddity. There are four main people groups and they tend to have pure bloodlines, and intermarrying is frowned upon because of the power that can transfer through bloodlines. I really enjoyed writing about The Blended Ones because I wanted to bring up racial stereotypes and debunk them, or at least get people talking. 

Let’s talk About Eliesmore and the Green Stone.

Who is Eliesmore? 

For a while I’ve been wanting to write a story about the Chosen One, the person who is the answer to a prophecy. Eliesmore is a reluctant hero fantasy trope with a fun twist...because I like to keep people guessing! 

What’s the Green Stone?

The Green Stone is the power of creation waiting to be unleashed. What does that mean exactly? You’ll have to read to find out more, but it’s the ultimate power of the Four Worlds. 

Who will accompany Eliesmore in his journey?

Eliesmore is young and naive and naturally he will need mentors with experience to assist in his quest. The Green Company is a group of eleven who come together to assist in completing the three deeds. 

Why are the immortals helping more openly this time? 

Ah well...there is a spoiler in all this. There’s a reason why the immortals choose to help. They claim it’s because mortals and immortals must work together to save the world…

Are the Green People up to something? 

Yes! Watch out!!
In Eliesmore and the Jeweled Sword, Chapter 101 revels all. 

One of my fave bad boys is back! Do you enjoy writing his POV?

I loved it! He was supposed to be very dead but he ran away with the story and developed a life of his own. It worked out quite well and I’m so excited for people to freak out about the plot twist!!

Who is Myran?

Myran is Eliesmore’s mother. She has a very emotional tale but she was pivotal in shaping Eliesmore’s childhood and helping him become the person he is. 

So that was a mean cliffhanger at the at the end of The Green Stone. 
What can we expect of Eliesmore now that he’s faced such battle?
I can’t help it! It was a terrible cliffhanger and my beta readers asked for it. No worries though, all books are now available and you can read them all without worrying! 

Tell us about your latest release.

The Complete Four Worlds Series Box Set is now available! It includes all four books:

The Five Warriors

The Blended Ones
Eliesmore and the Green Stone
Eliesmore and the Jeweled Sword

The Four Worlds Series is a collection of epic fantasy novels with enchanted weapons, magical powers, epic battles, deadly armies and a hint of romance. Grab your copy today and dive into an action-packed adventure. 

Thanks for being here. 

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